Sistema accessori da bagno RAIL, Stilhaus – 2020
RAIL è un progetto per l’arredo del bagno contemporaneo, che definisce gli spazi e le funzioni necessarie nella stanza del benessere, proponendo un sistema binario su cui gli accessori e i componenti si posizionano a scorrimento.
In base a segmenti componibili, realizzati in ottone a sezione quadra, si costruisce una sequenza di direzioni organizzando il porta asciugamano, il bicchiere, il dispencer , la mensola, il porta rotolo o il porta scopino dove necessario.
Alle linee portanti, da declinare nelle finiture cromo, ottone naturale, nero o nichel, si abbinano i complementi in marmo, ocritech o multistrato marino.
La personalizzazione con RAIL è assoluta.
Si articola tanto sullo spazio ridotto, quanto su superfici più ampie, permettendo la sequenza continua anche su pareti attigue.
Rail is a new bathroom furniture system, designed by Giovanna Talocci and Marco Pallocca for Stilhaus. Rail allows the individual elements to be combined in a wide range of ways, making the bathroom very functional and offering plenty of opportunities for aesthetic customization. The Rail series is made of a square section brass bar, in various finishes and sizes, on which the accessories are placed. The bar can form a continuous line that runs along all the walls of the bathroom, hosting the various functions from time to time. Alternatively, the singles elements can be used individually, each one with its specific function.
The bar is fixed on to the wall with linear or angular joints and acts as a connection between the various accessories that slide on it: shelves, soap dish, toothbrush holder, smartphone holder, magnifying mirror holder, brush holder and roll holder. The bar can be used as a towel holder and also contains a led light to illuminate the mirror. The lighting bar can be placed sideways or at the top of the mirror, responding to the various needs of the users. The finish of the brass bar can be: polished chrome, nickel, polished brass or matt black finish. The shelves can be made from Carrara marble, Ocritech or wood. The combination of the bar finishes with the shelf materials allows for extensive customisation of the furnishing style and facilitates the coordinated combination with the ceramics and the bathroom taps.